Virðing - Samvinna -Traust
-Einangrunarstöðin Mósel
Quarintine station for dogs and cats
Respect, cooperation and trust.
Komudagar 2024-2025
Fyrirkomulag / the setup
Komudagar í einangrunarstöðina eru alltaf fyrirframákveðnir í samráði við Matvælastofnun. Mikilvægt er að velja komu til landsins á þessum dögum. The incoming dates in the quarintine are preapproved by Mast, veterinary authorities in Iceland. It is important to enter iceland at theese specific dates
Komudagar 2024
Incoming dates 2024
Innkoma 16-17-18 September
Útskrift 2 Oktober
Innkoma 7-8-9 Oktober
Útskrfit 23 Oktober
Innkoma 28-29-30 Oktober
Útskfrift 13 novenber
Innkoma 18-19-20 Novenber
Útskrfit 4 Desember
Innkoma 11-12-13 Desember
Útskrift 27 desember
Innkoma 2025/Incoming 2025
Innkoma 13-14-15-16 Janúar
Útskrift 30 Janúar
Innkoma 3-4-5-6 Febrúar
Útskrift 20 Febrúar
Innkoma 24-25-26-27 Febrúar
Útskrift 13 Mars
Innkoma 18-19-20 Mars
Útskrift 3 Apríl
Innkoma 8-9-10 Apríl
Útskrift 24 Apríl
Innkoma 29-30 april og 1. mai
Útskrift 15 Mai
Innkoma 20-21-22 Mai
Útskrift 5 Júní
Innkoma 10-11-12 Júní
Útskrift 26. Júní
Innkoma 1-2-3 Júlí
Útskrift 17 Júlí
Innkoma 22-23-24 Júlí
Útskrift 7 Ágúst
Innkoma 12-13-14 Ágúst
Útskrift 28 Ágúst
Innkoma 2-3-4 September
Útskrift 18 September
Innkoma 23-24-25 September
Útskrift 9 oktober
Innkoma 14-15-16 Oktober
Útskrift 30 Oktober
Innkoma 4-5-6 Novenber
Útskrift 20 novenber
Innkoma 25-26-27 Novenber
Útskrift 11 Desember
Innkoma 16-17-18 Desember
Útskrift 2 janúar 2026
Pláss í einangrun eru bókuð í tölvupósti -
Too book your stay in quarintine send an email to
Á meðan á dvöl stendur
Afþreying og þjálfun
Personalized and Professional
Samhliða breyttri reglugerð munum við auka þjónustuna við hundana eins og við getum. Því munu allir hundar fá þjálfun og afþreyingu eins og hentar hverjum og einum. Í þjálfuninni/afþreyingunni felst fyrst og fremst andleg örvun, hundurinn mun fá allskonar verkefni til að leysa, þetta geta verið allskyns æfingar líkt og hlýðniæfingar, skemmtilegar brellur eða í raun hvað sem er sem fær hundinn til að hugsa og eyða orku eins og hægt er. Þegar hundurinn fer í hreyfingu mun hann annaðhvort fara með þjálfara að æfa í þjálfunaraðstöðu eða sérstöku hundahlaupabretti. Starfsfólk metur það hvenær hundur er orðinn þreyttur. Við ofbjóðum aldrei kröftum hans eða þreki og pössum að við náum fram markmiðunum okkar sem eru þau að hundurinn upplifi jákvæðar tilfinningar, sé slakur og sáttur. Markmiðið er alltaf að hundurinn upplifi jákvæðar tilfinningar samvinnu og traust.
Þjálfunin / Training
our goals
Allir hundar munu fá þjálfun og afþreyingu a meðan á dvöl stendur.
Magn hreyfingar er alltaf í samráði við dýralækni stöðvarinnar.
All dogs get exercise and mental stimulation during their stay. Training plan is decided with the head trainer and the veterinarian of Mósel. Our goal is that all animals experience positive emotion towards their handlers, their room and overall their experience during their stay.
Verðskrá / Price
Verð fyrir alla hunda í einangrun er 220.000 krónur.
Price for all dogs in quarintine is 220.000
Staðfestingargjald er 50.000 kr.
Booking fee is 50.000
Nánari upplýsingar um bókunarferli og skilmála er að finna ef þú smellir á hnappinn hér fyrir neðan
To book your stay send us an email to ( button below)
Verðskrá kisur / Price for cats
Verð fyrir kisur er 110.000 krónur
Price for cats is 110.000
To book your stay send us an email to ( button below)
Nánari upplýsingar um bókanir, skilmála og aðra þjónustu við kisur er að finna þegar þú ýtir á hnappinn hér fyrir neðan !
Required but luxurious stay at Mósel
The name Mósel ?
“No other name came to mind when Jóhanna started the journey of building a luxurious building for the animals that have to be quarantined before entering Iceland”. First with search and rescue dogs and Morris was her working buddy for 12 years. He passed away the summer of 2019 – gone but never forgotten. Morris was always called "Mó" ergó Mósel.
We understand to the fullest the concerns breeders and owners have about leaving their pet for this time and that is why we designed, built and work after highest standards possible every day for your animal. Our facility is built after the animal welfare laws and they require spacious kennels for the animals. We took it further and provide not only spacious kennels but built spacious rooms that look as much as possible like a home so the animals really do feel like home during their stay.
The rooms
Every room is equipped with a flat screen tv with a subscription to a doggy/cat tv and a calming and classical music which has been proven to have calming effect for the animals. The rooms also have cctv which is connected to our home so we can check on them at all times when we aren’t in the building ourselves. All dogs have access to a spacious private outdoor area that is up to 20 m2 for the biggest dogs. Some dogs even have a perfect wiew over Mountain Hekla while others have a view over our horses and sheep that live nearby !
Every staff member has to go through thorough training in animal disieaces and dog training before they work with our animals. We offer training during our stay and all staff members are guided by experienced staff members. Our staff ar also held by high standards, our goal is to treat every animal like they were our own and make them as comfortable as possible at all times.
We offer activity during their stay, mental and physical. We use a lot of clicker training, and for more enthusiastic dog people out there we work a lot with the “bridge” between classical and operant conditioning, making the dog think in solutions in every task/play – leading to the dog earning more confidence while burning energy so they can rest more easily. Our goal in training is that the dog experience positive emotions and trust to our staff. We also have a doggy treadmill to blow off extra steam and keeping them in good body condition and the simple fact is that a tired dog is a very happy dog !
if you have any questions about us, the facility or the daily life in our facility don’t hesitate to ask us via email –